Education, Experience, and Technology

Put into Practice.

Innovative PracticeEducation, Experience, and Technology


As a solo practitioner with over forty years of experience, George J. Little can bring his education, experience, and knowledge of technology into play to assist many types of individuals and organizations within the State of Florida.

For Individuals, Entrepreneurs, or Organizations, he can offer legal advice or representation and preparation of documents on a number of matters and types of cases and or can offer advice and assistance with the employment, design, and implementation of technology to improve efficiency.

For Lawyers and Law Firms, he can offer advice, assistance, case management, preparation of pleadings and documents, can handle your appeals and can offer advice and assistance with the employment, design, and implementation of technology to improve efficiency.

His four decades of experience as a lawyer include representing state agencies, muncipalities, hospitals, civic groups, environmental groups, associations, employee classes, developers, and numerous individuals and businesses from Panama City, Panama City Beach, Marianna, Chipley, Bonifay, Blountstown, Quincy, Crawfordvile, Monticello, Tallahassee, and the entire Florida Panahandle.

For individuals, he has provided advice and respresentation on:
Divorce, Property division, Custody, Visitation, Parenting Plans, and Child Support
Foreclosure Defense
Wills, Trusts, and Estates
Real Property Disputes
Code Compliance
Employment Issues
Civil Rights
Personal Injury

For Entrepreneurs and Businesses, he has provided advice and representation on:
Business Formation
Contract Negotiation
Contract Preparation
Contract Litigation
Partnership, Shareholder and LLC Disputes
Developer Foreclosure Defense
Municipal Law
Association Issues
Internet and Technology Law Issues
Marketing Issues

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